Friday, July 17, 2009

How do entities relation to one another?

The RELATIONSHIPS container, child or DEAL provides all relationships that cannot be accomplished through containment in XML.

Each REALTIONSHIP, child of RELATIONSHIPS, is composed of three attributes. They are "xlink:from", " xlink:to" and " xlink:arcrole". There is also an attribute the is fixed as "type=’arc’".

Both "xlink:from", "xlink:to" should contain values that match the "title" attribute on a container, for example

<RELATIONSHIP xlink:from="Borrower1" xlink:to="Borrower2" xlink:arcrole="urn:org:mismo:residential:2009:LDD:BorrowerToBorrowerArcroles:SharesAssetsWith"/>

Both "xlink:from" and "xlink:to" tie to the xlink:label On the appropriate element.

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